Thursday, September 10, 2009

Need a laugh?

I thought this was worth sharing.

Check it out. It should be worth your time.......

Sunday, August 23, 2009

These Shoes Were Made for.....Getting Married!

I do believe that these are the shoes I am going to get for my wedding. I think I literally looked at over a thousand pairs of shoes online last night and found a couple I liked, but the heels were like 4 inches and that's too big for my liking for this event! SO! I like this.....and am planning to purchase them soon :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Attempted Rainbow Cake

After an hour of mixing colored batter, measuring it out, coloring it to "equal" proportions (or something close to it) and one of the two pans overflowing in the oven, this was the result of my rainbow cake. Nice, right?
That was what I thought.....until I attempted to take them out of the pan. One semi-fell apart and other broke into three big chunks of cake, rather than one of the two layers.
Needless to say, I was rather disappointed...however, I will hopefully do better next time! The cake itself looks really cool other than falling apart if I do say so myself!

Friday, June 26, 2009

The Newest Addition!

Steven's brother and his wife had their second baby yesterday-he's pretty sweet! Here are pics!!

Monday, June 22, 2009

This will be...... everlasting love!

Steven and I went to Lake Hefner and watched the sunset last night before he went to California today for work.
It was great!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Our" First Big Purchase!

Steven and I were really excited....... we took pictures......... his new car!!!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

In One Year...

I will be MARRIED!

Yep-1 year from yesterday (June 12th) I will get married to my best friend.
Mark your calendars!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Maid of Honor!

I finally actually asked Amy to be my Maid of Honor (instead of thinking about it and almost asking her and talking about it many times) so Steven and I bought her another baby gift (on a whim) and i 'bribed' her to be it. I have to say i'm really really excited about it and hope she is too!

Of course, Bill and Steven had to be funny with it too. They're pretty goofy sometimes!

Thanks Amy for agreeing to the craziness of being the Maid of Honor!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Action Figures Anyone?

Steven and I went to the Toy and Action Figure Museum in Paul's Valley and while we weren't impressed before we went in, the inside was pretty insane! We felt a little awkward during lunch though (see the above picture) because we didn't exactly feel like we fit into the town? It was kinda weird, but we ate at a small Italian place that was really good--oddly enough, they had really good cinnamon rolls!
We really enjoyed "riding" the batmobile--they had a room for batman action figures alone and it was really cool!

Rafael made out of legos--this really made me want to go to Legoland and see all the figures they have there!
This wall was covered in action figures that were boxed and the stage was covered in opened action figures--it was probably 25 feet long at least! They had it set up to look like a grown-man's bedroom.

Lucky I'm In Love with my Best Friend!

Steven and I went out Friday Night to dinner and a movie and between the two we went to the park and took some random pictures together. Here are pictures from the night!

"In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities." -Janos Arnay

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Job!

Steven got a "real world" job now that he's graduated, with good pay/insurance/close to here and we are so thrilled! We went out to celebrate to Shogun--it was a great night!
God is good and does answer prayers....this is definitely something that we have been praying about for awhile and we're both so thankful!!

Also, on a side note--I got a 92 on my Abnormal Psychology paper and can't be more thrilled! What a wonderful day it was!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I am currently reading this book and love it thus far--thanks to my aunt for lending it to me. I love that I am able to fit "reading for fun" into my life again thanks to not having to read for class all the time :) I highly recommend it!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Excited for the future!

Finals are finally over and I am more than satisfied with my grades. I thought I would get my first C ever in my college career, but you'll be glad to know that I pulled a B and was thrilled to see that B in the slot for "Abnormal Psychology." It was a joyous moment for sure.

With my interview that I had last week at the Infant Crisis Center for the college fundraising board, I got the call today to let me know that i'll get the chance to be a part of that and I am so excited! I know it'll be a blessing to be a part of this group, and to have the opportunity so I pray God helps me bless the lives of others through my work there. For those of you who aren't familiar with what the ICC is, you should definitely look it up--it's a great organization and you can always come volunteer with me!
Here's a link:

I would like to share one of my favorite Psalms--It's one i'm hoping to teach my children and help them to remember. It's given me confidence and assurance in times of doubt!

Keep me safe, O God,
for in you I take refuge.

2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."

3 As for the saints who are in the land,
they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.

4 The sorrows of those will increase
who run after other gods.
I will not pour out their libations of blood
or take up their names on my lips.

5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.

6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.

7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.

8 I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,

10 because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.

11 You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
-Psalm 16-

I hope you are able to get something out of that.
Great things are in store for the future and I can't wait to see the things that God is going to do in my life!

Have a great weekend!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Twas the night before finals....

Check out the display outside my hall at work--i love it! It's super bright and happy. The green grass is made out of my kid's footprints and they LOVED walking in paint. It was tons of fun! I definitely love my job and am so ready for summer--I have a lot of goals for our classroom! Speaking of all of that, it's the end of the beginning of school and I have never felt more ready to be done with school in my life! I don't think i've ever been more unmotivated when it comes to school in my life....i've still got another year to go, but i'm farther than I was three years ago! I have to say though that this has been my fastest period of life so far and I am really excited for the future!

I have officially decided on my colors for the wedding and i'm way excited about it all--i'm goign to do green dresses with bouquets of yellow, orange and pink flowers. I for sure what to have gerber daisies, but am not sure what other flowers..any recommendations?? I am going to start planning more things this Summer and i'm really excited--I am going to start working on the centerpieces for the tables and what not, but we need to make a decision on where we're going to have it before all of that. It's harder than I thought it would be--everywhere is either too small or too expensive or won't let us play the kind of music we want, so it's becoming quite a chore at times! But i'm sure we will get it figured out!!

I have an interview Tuesday to be on the college board for fundraising at Infant Crisis Center--i have been working on coming up with some ideas, because I have to have some, so be praying that God will work through all of this and hopefully eventually give me the ability to work for others through him. I am excited for it and feel like I could get this praying! There's power in prayer!!

I hope you all have a wonderful week!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Here we go a banqueting!

Tonight was IOTA's club banquet at Crabtown downtown--it was awesome! Here are some of the best pictures from the evening.

The only damper on the evening was the pouring rain when we got out-boo! But we were glad we got in before it started. This was obviously my final outfit choice after changing my mind about 4 times and 2 trips to my house to get a dress. I got new jewelry out of the deal though!
Hope you've had a great weekend!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Chicks came alive!

The Chicks came alive!

I hatched baby chicks in my classroom and they have been SO much fun! We have had some yucky things happen (one being dropped and one being squeezed) but besides those memories, it's been good! We have been able to watch them staying in their incubator to hatching to being fuzzy and cute and being able to hold them and play with them. It has been a lot of fun! Check it out!

I was afraid that they weren't going to make it, so I was really glad when the first one hatched. 17 out of the 24 eggs I had hatched. It has been great!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The beginnings

I had originally said I wouldn't create one of these until I had a marriage or kids to show off, but clearly changed my mind! There can still be exciting things going on in life that you might be interested in knowing so we'll give this a shot.

If you weren't aware, wedding plans are underway for my future--though it seems like I have all the time in the world. I have completed the exciting (and sometimes daunting?) task of buying a wedding dress. If you haven't heard my exciting story from trying on wedding dresses, then here's a bit of enjoyment for you. I was really nervous about trying the dresses on for some reason, and the girl came in with the dress and what not, and I was determined to get them on by myself without any help (stupid?). Anyway, I started to put the dress on, and had my arms up above my head, and i'm trying to wriggle into the dress. Naturally, my phone rings and while it's ringing I realize that the dress is stuck....i'm so embarassed and feel so huge that I keep trying to get it on to avoid people seeing it stuck on me. Finally, I realize i'm not going to be able to get it on (or off at this point) so I call for help. The girl helping me comes in, and do you realize what step i've left out of the dress-trying-on equation?
Unzipping the dress.
She says "it might help next time if you unzip the dress."

So. For those of you who are ever trying on wedding dresses, i recommend unzipping the dress before you try to squeeze it on your body and feel enormous because you can't get it on.

Have a great day!